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How to Prepare Someone for a Leadership Role

How to Prepare Someone for a Leadership Role

If your business is looking for candidates for a new management role, then there are a number of reasons to think about recruiting internally. This way, you’ll get someone who’s already aware of the business’s culture and practices, and who might already be well-known internally. Moreover, you’ll send the message to other members of the organisation that it’s possible to progress, which might help to bolster morale and staff retention.

There is a snag, however. Workers at the bottom of the pyramid might not yet have developed the skillset they need to effectively work in management roles. As such, it’s worth offering a little bit of support and development. But what’s the best way to prepare a recruit for a role in leadership? Let’s take a look.

Assign a mentor

Having an example to look up to can be enormously helpful for would-be managers. Have the new recruit shadow an existing manager for a few days, just to get a feel for what’s involved in the position. This can provide a particular form of instruction, as it’ll provide an insight into the practices unique to a given company.

Provide training

As well as learning through example, managers might be given a more general set of tools for solving the problems they might encounter. There’s no shortage of formal training for managers, including leadership development services, as well as a host of self-help books and websites. Encourage your new recruits to learn and develop themselves independently, but make sure that this is only a supplement to the core training you’re going to provide.

Embrace failure

Inexperienced managers will inevitably err from time to time. What’s important is that they’re able to take note of these instances and learn from them. For example, they might find that they mishandle a disciplinary, providing an employee with a message that ended up confusing them.

Of course, there will be times when a manager isn’t aware that they’ve made a mistake. If your workplace culture is one that encourages honest feedback, then your employees might feel at liberty to knock on the door and express their concerns. If you’ve gotten the training right, your manager will know how to react to this kind of thing, and to use it as instructive, rather than taking it personally.

Troubleshoot weaknesses

A good manager will be able to regularly take stock of their strengths and weaknesses and take steps to address the latter. This means providing regular performance reviews. These shouldn’t be treated as an opportunity to punish, but an opportunity to identify areas for potential improvement. On the other hand, relentless troubleshooting can be demoralising if it isn’t accompanied by an appropriate level of praise, too.