There seems to be more “International Days” than you can shake a stick at these days, and some are celebrated more than others. However, there are others that are particularly important that you may not even know about.
Across the year there are some great “International Days” recognised by the United Nations well worth taking note of, whether you wish to celebrate them at home, in school or in work. So, here are five excellent ones you may not know about…
International Yoga Day
International Yoga Day is celebrated every year on June 21. It was first proposed by India at the United Nations General Assembly in 2014 and was declared an international day in 2015. Raising awareness about the benefits of yoga and to promote its practice around the world, people participate in yoga sessions and events to celebrate the practice of yoga and its contribution to health and wellbeing.
This has become even more popular in recent years as the benefits of yoga become more widely known, with medical professionals in places such as hospital and private rehab centres encourage patients to take it up in order to ease a number of symptoms and keep their progress on track. Today, yoga couldn’t be bigger for both medical and spiritual reasons, and it’s making International Yoga Day more exciting than ever before.
International Day of Friendship
The International Day of Friendship is celebrated on July 30 every year. The day was first proposed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2011, with the aim of promoting friendship and solidarity among people from different cultures and backgrounds. On the International Day of Friendship, people are encouraged to spend time with their friends, and to engage in activities that promote understanding and cooperation between different communities.
International Day of Happiness
March 20 welcomes the International Day of Happiness, with it first observed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2013. Its aim is to promote happiness as a fundamental human right. On the day, people are encouraged to engage in activities that promote happiness, such as spending time with loved ones, engaging in hobbies, or performing acts of kindness.
International Day of Forests
The International Day of Forests was first observed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2013 and takes place on March 21. More than ever we need to understand the importance of forests for our own healths and the day sees people promote the conservation and sustainable use of forests, such as tree planting, forest cleanups, and educational activities.
International Day of Women and Girls in Science
Taking place on February 11, the day was first celebrated in 2015 and today women in science all around the world get together. However, more schools should certainly be involved in this, inspiring the next female scientists and promoting the mentoring programs, educational initiatives, and awareness-raising campaigns that do go on not just on the day but throughout the year.