Elderly people stuck inside during the colder months should practise some at-home exercises to stay active.
With the mercury dropping, it’s becoming more difficult for older people to complete their daily routines such as walking outdoors or popping to the shops.
But in order for them to avoid being too sedentary it’s important they take steps to maintain a healthy level of activity.
And Neil Mckenzie, of leading stairlift specialists Halton Stairlifts, says the inclement conditions should not stop them moving around and getting the blood flowing.
He said: “Remaining active helps keep bones and muscles strong and can help prevent or delay many of the health problems that come with advanced age.
“And the good news is you don’t need to leave your home to stay fit as there are a number of easy exercises to do indoors.
“These can range from gentle stretches to even doing some housework.
“And for those who find mobility a bit easier, and weather permitting, riding a bike or a water aerobics class are a great way to stay fit and also be sociable.”
Gentle stretches
Mr Mckenzie said: “Stretching our muscles allows better movement in our joints, reduces muscle soreness or stiffness and can reduce the risk of an injury occurring.
“While sitting in a chair or lying down, you can gently move your toes upwards towards your shin, then back down towards the floor.
“Another useful stretch while sitting is to gently lift your leg off the seat and into the air, keeping your knee bent.”
Standing up
“It’s best to avoid sitting for prolonged periods of time,” said Mr Mckenzie, “so even simple tasks such as standing up once an hour can make a big difference.
“An overly sedentary lifestyle including too much sitting down can contribute to wider health problems, as well as decreased mobility and flexibility.
“Try standing up without the help of the armrests as this can be more beneficial than using an aid.”
Household tasks
Halton Stairlifts’ Mr Mckenzie said: “Staying active does not have to be a daunting thought for people with decreased mobility, it can be easily incorporated into your daily routine.
“Keeping on top of household tasks such as vacuuming or cleaning the dishes not only helps keep us busy and active, but can help our bodies stay fit too.”
Resistance band workouts
“These stretchy lengths of rubber are increasingly popular for people of all ages trying to remain fit at home,” said Mr Mckenzie.
“They can be used to incorporate a range of exercises to build strength and flexibility and are easy to use.
“Exercises can include pulling it across your chest or putting the band under your foot with your knee bent then trying to gently straighten your leg.”