The renowned Chester-based legal firm, Manleys Solicitors, is excited to announce its latest high-profile client, Nazrin Choudhury, who has been nominated for a 2024 Oscar. Choudhury’s “Red White and Blue” is vying for the accolade of Best Live Action Short Film, showcasing her directorial prowess.
Choudhury, who resides in California, discussed the inspiration behind her film: “I penned the story of ‘Red, White and Blue‘ in the immediate aftermath of the Supreme Court overturning the landmark decision in the Roe v Wade case, which had protected our reproductive rights in America for almost 50 years.”
The film delves into the life of a young mother grappling with the complexities of securing medical help in a challenging environment, highlighting her resilience and determination.
Manleys Solicitors has significantly increased its footprint in the US legal scene, a move highlighted by Mark Manley’s accreditation to represent in the Southern District of New York last year. His upcoming legal challenges include a notable case in the High Court of Justice in London and a mediation in New York for a former World Champion boxer.
Regarding their collaboration with Choudhury, Manleys Solicitors conveyed their enthusiasm: “We are really proud to be working with the incredibly talented Nazrin Choudhury. Red, White and Blue is a masterpiece. It’s hard to believe that a Short of this length could so quickly grip its viewers and provoke such emotion and feeling.
With the Oscar event set for March 11th, the firm is hopeful for Choudhury’s success.