Next year, RUNNERS participating in Chester’s most notable races events that will raise thousands of pounds for children.
Active Leisure Events is pleased to declare Claire House Children’s Hospice as the designated charity for all 2022 games, including the Chester 10K, MBNA Chester Marathon, Metric Marathon and Essar Chester Half Marathon.
Chris Hulse, the joint race organiser, announced: “It pleased us to be partnering with Claire House again after a fruitful collaboration in 2017 and 2018 and it also delighted us to support their fundraising efforts.”
Claire House, the children’s hospice serving Chester and its surroundings, hopes the partnership will raise £50,000 next year, so local children and families can receive critical end-of-life and bereavement care.
It is the first time all three of our races have the same headline charity,” said Andy White, joint race organiser. “Those interested in taking up running for the first time or mental health may catch the running bug and move on to the half and full marathons”. “Claire House will be there for them all the way!”
In a statement, Mark Pearson, Claire House’s event manager, stated, “We’re thrilled to announce that we’ll be the official charity for the Chester running events in 2022, beginning with the Chester 10K in March. We want to thank Active Leisure for their consideration.
“Claire House is a lifeline for struggling local families, ensuring that the end of a child’s life is the best it can be. The family must make memories that will last a lifetime.
“We also provide support to the family for as long as they need it. “Every runner taking part in these Chester games next year can raise sponsorship and help that our care team can support the families in need.”
Fraser McKie, 19 months old, passed away from a rare genetic metabolic condition in June this year. In September, his father Stewart and a considerable team of family and friends participated in the Chester Half Marathon to collect money for Claire House.
Stewart stated: “Claire House provided support to Fraser throughout his life; the hospice was one of the places where he felt most at ease. When Fraser died, he was a resident of the Butterfly Suite at Claire House, and the staff there has taken good care of us ever since.
“Preparation for a half marathon was challenging, but it helped me stay mentally healthy. It really helped the place that focused on a purpose, while providing support to Claire House and other families in similar circumstances. If you plan on running next year, consider participating in one of these events and supporting your community’s children’s hospice.”
You can register for the Chester 10K on March 13, the Essar Chester Half Marathon on May 15, or the MBNA Chester Marathon or Metric Marathon on October 2 at During the registration process, you can select to run for Claire House or donate to Claire House.