A Cheshire based charity is seeking local business support in helping them with their biggest fundraiser of the year by buying its award-winning gingerbread sock biscuits and collecting ‘dosh in socks’ to boost fundraising.
Every year Down Syndrome Cheshire celebrates World Down Syndrome Day on the 21st of March but for the past two years the pandemic has taken its toll on the fundraising activities that have been able to take place. This year the charity is asking businesses to put the kettle back on and sell a box of biscuits to show their support, wear odd socks and collect coins to fill a sock for the charity.
Lawrence Caygill, CEO of Down Syndrome Cheshire comments: “After disrupted 2020 and 2021 campaigns, we are really looking forward to relaunching our delicious, award-winning, gingerbread sock biscuits in 2022. Previous years have seen us sell over 60,000 biscuits through schools, businesses, and homes across the whole of Cheshire…and in 2022 we want to do even better!
“We also love seeing everyone in their odd socks on the awareness day – this year on Monday 21st March. With the growth of a cashless society during the pandemic we’re also encouraging people to collect their loose change and pop it into a sock to donate to us this year.”
The charity is providing boxes of its beautifully decorated sock biscuits at no cost but asks that the forty biscuits provided are ‘sold’ in return for a donation to help fundraise to support families across Cheshire.
Lawrence continues: “As always, there is no cost per box, but we ask that our supporters only request an amount of biscuits they feel able to comfortably sell – with every penny raised helping DSC to support our amazing Cheshire DS community.”
To find out more or to order the charity biscuits visit https://www.facebook.com/DSCheshire/ or call 07518 590300. Orders must be placed by the 23rd of January 2022.