Local businesses and budding entrepreneurs are being encouraged to make full use of all of the great free features on offer at the Halton and Warrington Business Fair on Thursday 10th November at DCBL Stadium Halton.
Free tickets can be booked online at https://haltonbizfair2022.eventbrite.co.uk but visitors can also just turn up on the day and hand in a business card at the desk to register (we like to keep things simple)
Features at the event (all free) include
B2B exhibition
Exhibitors are offering a range of products and services to help develop and grow a business
Explore and address lots of business issues with exhibitors who are experts in their field
Many of the exhibitors offer free help and advice to new and small businesses
Exhibitors can be both potential new suppliers and potential future business partners
Build Business Contacts
1pm: Free Networking Session hosted by Andy Guile
Free Sessions on key business Topics
10.45am: Work Smarter, not Harder! Effective Time Management – Steve Smith, Business Doctor
11.30am: An Introduction to Personality Types and how they affect the sales process – Andy Guile, Master Coach & Trainer, Ask Andy Guile
12.20pm: How to Stand out on LinkedIn – Ian Nicklin, Managing Director, In Business Ninjas
1.40pm: How To Land New Clients With Targeted Outreach – Michael Sterling, Founder, MS Marketing
Any visitors booking their free Visitor Promo Ticket will receive
– a free listing in the online #HaltonBizFair Event Guide (seen by thousands of businesses after the event)
– 3 months of twitter promotion
– invitation to the post event #HaltonBizFair Digital Day
For more information call Liverpool BA on 0151 709 8932 or visit https://haltonbizfair.co.uk