Thursday 10th November, 10.30am-3pm, DCBL Stadium Halton
Do you deal with any companies in the Merseyside and Cheshire region that are interested in developing and...
Chester’s Pastry Pedaleur, the artisan baker of French-inspired gourmet pastries and desserts, has been selected from hundreds of entries to feature in Channel 4’s new...
The Clear Company, a diversity and inclusion consultancy, will be holding a summit this November to help businesses take a holistic approach to supply...
The business world has changed dramatically in the last few years. Certain major events have transformed the way people meet, collaborate and negotiate –...
Unlike many issues, substance abuse affects employees at all levels, from the factory floor to the boardroom. For that reason, drug and alcohol awareness...
With the financial markets experiencing so much fluctuation, Pareto Financial Services and Luna Investment Management are holding a free webinar on the subject.
The webinar...